Monday, January 10, 2022: Destination Canada in August of this year. The city of Calgary and its stunning surrounds will play host to the first-ever WBC MuayThai Youth World Games from August 13-16.
The sport of MuayThai is on the rise, from the motherland of Thailand to the four corners of the globe. To allow our young practitioners and athletes to shine on the big stage, the WBC MuayThai is introducing the WBC MuayThai Youth World Games.
A coveted gold medal, a treasured silver medal or a well-earned bronze medal will adorn the many athletes who make the journey to Canada in August, to represent their countries at the MuayThai Youth World Games, hosted by the WBC MuayThai.

The event, the brainchild of Kieran Keddle and Nash Keshwala, will shine a bright and positive light on the sport and culture of MuayThai.
All details on how to register are available via
Stay tuned. More Soon coming in the days to follow.