Friday, July 1, 2022: The joint campaign ??????? ???????? launched by the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the WBC MuayThai, today got its wings at an official launch at the headquarters of the Tourism Authority of Thailand office in Bangkok.
The next step is to implement the program, both in the Kingdom of Thailand, the motherland of the sport and culture of MuayThai, and around the world where MuayThai plays an instrumental part in the lives of many.
Today, we were joined at the launch of the ??????? ???????? program in Bangkok by WBC MuayThai Diamond champions, Petchmorakot Petchyindee and Mehdi Zatout, current WBC MuayThai world champions Nabil VenumMuayThai and Sajjad VenumMuayThai, and young stars Kwankao and Petchaektho Boomdeksian.
Kwankao and Petchaektho will represent the WBC MuayThai Thailand at the upcoming WBC MuayThai Youth World Games in Calgary.
This program aims to promote the sport and culture of MuayThai, from Thailand to the world and back to Thailand, with a global collaboration campaign involving many key stakeholders.